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高二英语教案:《Unit 11 Hurricane!》教学设计(三)。

古人云,工欲善其事,必先利其器。教师要准备好教案,这是每个教师都不可缺少的。教案可以让学生们充分体会到学习的快乐,帮助教师缓解教学的压力,提高教学质量。教案的内容要写些什么更好呢?下面的内容是小编为大家整理的高二英语教案:《Unit 11 Hurricane!》教学设计(三),欢迎阅读,希望您能阅读并收藏。

高二英语教案:《Unit 11 Hurricane!》教学设计(三)

Teaching Aims

1.Study Lesson 43 to know more about hurricane.

2.Learn the key words and expressions and sentences patterns.

Teaching Aids

1.a tape recorder 2.a projector 3.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Revision

Questions and Answers

1) When did the hurricane strike the southeast of England?

2) How many people died in the hurricane?

3) How many trees were blown down and why was that?

4) What difficulty did the people have after the hurricane?

5)Was it easy for the people to repair the damage?Please explain.

Step 2 Watch the video

Read the two statements below and say whether they are true or not:

1.Though woods and forests in the southeast of England were destroyed,it wouldn’t be long before the country begins to look as it did before.

2.The weather report can always give the correct report on when the hurricane will arrive.


Step 3 Reading

Read the passage in the Students' Book and choose the best answers.

1 Kew Gardens is famous because _____.

A.it is an old research center for plants

B.it has a large number of old and unusual valuable trees

C.many new trees are being planted

D.it has lost many trees in the hurricane

2 It will take ____ to make the country look as it used to be.

A.less than a century(世纪)  B.over a century

C.two centuries  D.half a century

3 The weatherman had a red face the next day because _____.

A.he said there would be no strong winds the day before the storm

B.he repeated there would be no damages in the hurricane

C.he didn't broadcast the weather report the evening before the storm

D.he felt very sorry for what he had said

4 The hurricane happened _____.

A.in spring B.in summer C.in autumn D.in winter

5 If the weatherman had warned the people of the hurricane, the result would have been ____.

A.different B.the same C.much worse D.similar

Suggested answers:1.B  2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A

Step 4.Practice

Part 3 Page 64. Give the students a brief explanation about the example. Do the first one orally with the whole class. Get the students to work go through the exercise in pairs. Then check the answers.

Part 5 and Part 6 Page 65

Explain to the students what they have to do. Do the first two orally with the whole class, then let the students work through the exercises in pairs.

Step 5Homework

Finish off Ex2 and Ex3 on Page


高二英语教案:《Unit 11 Hurricane!》教学设计(一)

高二英语教案:《Unit 11 Hurricane!》教学设计(一)

Teaching Aims

Practice the dialogue and study the language points.

Teaching Aids

1.a tape recorder 2.a projector 3.the blackboard 4. A set of multi-media equipment.

Teaching Procedures


1. Get the students to talk about the weather.

2. Ask the students the following questions:

1) What will happen if it keeps raining heavily for a long time?

2) What other natural disasters do you know?

3) Do you know anything about typhoon (台风) that often does great damage to people, building, plants, animals and so on?

Step2 Listening

Watch the video or Listen to the tape , after that answer the following questions.

1. Why were Jane and Pipa late?

2. Why were Jane and Pipa’s parents wearied?


1.Because the bridge had been washed away by the floods.

2.Because it was late, and a hurricane was likely to come

Step 3 Reading

Let the students read the dialogue carefully and try to answer the following questions:

1.Why couldn’t Jane and Pippa get across the river?

2.Why did they get so wet and dirty?

3.When did it start to rain?

4.What was fortunate for Jane and Pippa?

5.What’s wrong with Jane’s foot?

6.What information have their parents just got from the radio?

Answers: 1.Because the bridge has been washed away.

2.They had to walk across some very wet ground.

3.When they climbed over the rocks.

4.They could knew where they were going .

5. Her shoe has been pressing against her foot, so it hurts a bit.

6.A warning that a hurricane is likely to come.

Step 4Language Points

1. There you are! 你才回来!

2. There is (no) need to do…(没)有必要做。例如:

There is (no) need for sth (没)有必要做

3. (1) be (get) anxious about… 为……担忧

(2) be (get) anxious to do sth. 着急要去干……

4. be likely to do… 有可能做……

Step 5 Dialogue practice

1. Ask the students to listen to the tape of the dialogue. Then get them to practise the dialogue in groups of four. Encourage them to use gestures. Get one or two groups to act it out in front of class.

2. Ask the students to pick out from the dialogue the expressions showing anxiety and replies.


a) Is there anything the matter?

b) We were getting very worried.

c) We’ve been anxious about you.

d) what’s the matter with your food, Jane?

e) There is no need to be worried. We are both fine.


At the doctor’s

D: What’s wrong with you?

P: I feel very sick. I don’t know why.

D: Lie down and let me examine you.

P: Is there anything serious?

D: There is nothing to be worried, take this medicine three times a day, and you will be getting well soon.

On the street: At home.

Step 6 Oral practice

Ask the students to make dialogues similar to the one in the textbook.

Situation 1:

You were in a hurry going home by the bicycle at night. On the way, you saw an old man lying on the road .So you send him to hospital. But you forgot to call your parents and tell them you’d be back late. So they got worried. When you reached home in the evening, your parents asked you where you had been.

Situation 2:

You and your classmates decided to see a film. Everyone arrived on time at the bus stop except Peter. You were anxious about her. It was nearly late, but she didn’t come in the evening when you got home after film, you rang her up and asked her about the reasons.

Step 7 Exercise

1. Look at Page 123. Do Ex 1. Let the students read the dialogue again and then ask the students to discuss the answers in pails. Check the answers with the whole class.

2. As for Ex 2, let the students work in pairs first, then check the answers.

3. Before doing Ex 3, revise the words in the box. Do the exercise orally in class. The six sentences can be translated into Chinese if possible.

Step 8 Homework

1.Tell the story of Jane and Pippa.

2.Prepare lesson 42



高二英语教案:《Unit11 Scientific 》教学设计

俗话说,居安思危,思则有备,有备无患。教师要准备好教案,这是每个教师都不可缺少的。教案可以让上课时的教学氛围非常活跃,帮助教师营造一个良好的教学氛围。你知道如何去写好一份优秀的教案呢?以下是小编为大家收集的“高二英语教案:《Unit11 Scientific 》教学设计”相信能对大家有所帮助。

高二英语教案:《Unit11 Scientific 》教学设计

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following words:


2.Review the words appearing in the last two periods.

3.Learn about Word Formation.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Learn some words which are closest in meaning.

2.Study the ways of forming a word.

3.Study the meaning of some affixes and stems.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to help the students master some knowledge of Word Formation.

Teaching Methods:

1.Doing exercises to review the learnt words.

2.Studying and practising to master the ways of forming a word.

3.Pair or group work to make every student take an active part in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision

T:In the last period,we read the passage Zhongguancun and learned much about it.Now,can you tell me something about it?Han Fei,you try,please.

S1:Zhongguancun,in Beijing's Haidian District,is the new centre for Chinese science and technology.The centre itself got started in the early 1980s and was set up as a special economic zone in the late 1990s.Then it quickly became the leader of China's hi-tech industry.A growing number of overseas have returned to China and grasped the opportunity to develop their ideas at Zhongguancun.Zhongguancun has had a positive effect on business as well as science.Today,there are more than 8 000 hi-tech companies in Zhongguancun,more than half of which are IT companies.What has made Zhongguancun a success is the spirit of creativity and scientific skill.

T:Very good.Thank you.Sit down,please.We all know Zhongguancun is the leader of China's hi-tech industry as Silicon Valley in the USA.So sometimes it is called China's Silicon Valley.In the last class,I asked you to use a library or the Internet to find out more about Silicon Valley and then compare the two areas.Now who'd like to tell us how similar or different they are?Any volunteer?

S2:Both Zhongguancun and Silicon Valley are home to Internet industry as well as hi-tech companies,most of which are founded by students,faculty and staff members from the surrounding universities.However,as a fledgling hi-tech community,Zhongguancun has many differences from Silicon Valley.Silicon Valley has evolved a culture that is tuned to market-driven innovation,while in Zhongguancun,innovation is still largely driven by technology.In addition,investors in Silicon Valley are frequently an integral parts of companies day-to-day operations.While in Zhongguancun,investors has been used only as a source of financing.

T:Nice work.Besides,we learned some new words in the passage.Do you still remember them?Let's do an exercise.Please look at the screen.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Find the right explanation for each word.

1.zone 2.significant 3.institute 4.achievement 5.announce 6.grasp 7.giant 8.perfect

A.something you have worked hard for and done well

B.to say something in public

C.to take hold of something firmly

D.a group of people who want to study a special thing,or the building used by such a group

E.without any fault or bad points

F.large and important;having a special meaning

G:unusually large person,animal,plant,business organization,etc.

H.area or region with a particular feature or use

T:Find the right explanation for each of the words.I give you two minutes to prepare.Then I'll check the answers.

Suggested answers:

1.-H 2.-F 3.-D 4.-A 5.-B 6.-C 7.-G 8.-E

?Step Ⅲ Word Study

T:Well done.Now,please open your books at Page 5.We'll deal with Word Study.First,Word Study.Then,Word Formation.Look at the exercise in Word Study now.Choose the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined part.First,do it by yourself.Then check the answers with your partner.In the end,I'll collect the right answers.

Suggested answers:

1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.C

?Step Ⅳ Word Formation

T:Now,let's study Word Formation.First,look at the words on the screen.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)








e-school=electronic school

IT=information technology

CSA=Chinese Space Agency

T:You are given two minutes to study the words and find out the ways of forming a word.Then I'll ask some students to explain how they are formed.

(Two minutes later.)

T:Time is up.Are you ready?


T:Chen Wei,you try,please.

S:Some of them are formed with prefixes in front of the stems,such as "international" and "telephone",while some of them are formed with suffixes at the end of the stems,such as "extremely" and "manned".Both of these two ways of forming a word are called derivation.


T:Very good.Sit down,please.Liu Hui,can you have a try?

S:OK."mankind" and "broadband" are compounds,composed of two words,"hi-tech" and "e-school" are short forms of compounds;"IT" and "CSA" are also short forms.

(Bb:compounds:mankind,broadband short forms:hi-tech,e-school,IT,CSA)

T:Well done.Sit down,please.Is everything clear?


T:OK.Now,please look at the stems and affixes on the screen.Match each of them with the right meaning on the right.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

trans- carry

-graph see

tele- below

super- life

co- together/with

vis- more than usual

bio- far

sub- across

-port- riting

T:You are given two minutes to prepare.Then I'll check your answers.

Suggested answers:

trans-=across tele-=far

co-=together/with bio-=life

vis-=see -graph=writing

-port-=carry sub-=below

super-=more than usual

T:Well done.I think you've learnt more about Word Formation,including the ways of forming a word and the meanings of some stems and affixes.This will make it easy for you to guess the meaning of words using context clues.Please look at the screen.Let's do another exercise.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Use context clues and what you know about word parts to guess the meaning of the underlined words.

1.______ Many countries import most of the oil they use.

2.______He studied biophysics at college.

3.______It is very important to learn how to cooperate with others.

4.______All your luggage will be transported to the destination by train.

5.______My cousin has an excellent voice.Her dream is to become a superstar.

(Teacher asks some students to do it.One student,one sentence.)

Suggested answers:

1.进口 2.生命物理 3.合作 4.运输 5.超级歌星

Step Ⅴ Consolidation

T:OK.Now please open your books at Page 6 and look at Part 4.Read the news article and tell how the words in bold are formed.First,look at the given example to make sure you know how to do it.Then work in pairs to finish it.After a few minutes,I'll check your answers.See what I mean?


Suggested answers:









Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework

T:Well.Let's see what we've learnt in this class.First,we've reviewed the words learnt in the last period.Then,we've learnt about Word Formation(1).We've learnt some ways of forming a word,such as derivation,compound and short form.This way,we know how to guess new words according to the meanings of the stems and affixes as well as the context clues.After class,please review what we've learnt in this class and preview the next part in this unit-Integrating Skills.That's all for today.See you next time.

Ss:See you next time.

Step Ⅶ The Design of the Writing on theBlackboard

Unit 11 Scientific achievement

The Third Period

Word Formation(1)

Ways of forming a word:



c.short form:hi-tech,e-school,IT,CSA

Step Ⅷ Record after Teaching

高二英语教案:《Unit 7 Canada》教学设计(三)

高二英语教案:《Unit 7 Canada》教学设计(三)

Teaching Aims

1.Learn about life of Inuit and Indian

2.Study language items of this passage.

3.Study grammar: Agreement

Teaching Aids

1.a tape recorder 2.a projector 3.the blackboard 4. A set of multi-media equipment.

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Revision

1.Check the homework exercises.

2.Questions and Answers.

1)Where is Canada located?2)What is the population of Canada?3)What is the capital of Canada?4)How many official languages are there in Canada?5)Why does Canada have plenty of fresh water?6)What do you know about the industry in Canada?

Step 2 Watch the video

Get the Ss to answer the following .

1)What is the passage mainly about?2)What is hoped to be kept alive for many more centuries?

Key:1)The passage is mainly about the Inuit.2)It is hoped that the way of Inuit life will be kept alive for many more centuries.

Step 3 Reading

Ask the students to read the passage carefully and answer some questions.

1.Where do Inuit live now?

2.How did they travel?

3.What did they hunt?

4.What did they eat?

Step 4 Language points

1. a type of

2. “ 例如” 的表示方法.

3.struggle for / struggle against / struggle with

4. be used for / be used as/ be used to do

5.in al / at all/ after all/above all

6.the other day/some day/one day/another day

7.,be used as / be used for / be used to / used to

8.remain 用法小结


Step 5 Discussion( group work)

1)Do you think whether it is a good idea to have the way of Inuit life kept alive for many more centuries?Why/Why not?2)In the past Inuit lived a quite different life from other people in Canada.Please pick out these differences.

Step 6 Practice

Page 40, Part3

Do the first one as an example. Let the Ss do the exercise alone.

Page 41, Part4

Read out the instruction and make sure the Ss understand the meaning of each sentence. Ask them to pay special attention to the translation of the infinitives.

Page 41,Part5

Give the Ss some materials of word formation.

Step 7 Homework

Finish off all the exercises.

Revise the language in this unit.

高二英语教案:《Unit 4 Newspapers》教学设计(三)

高二英语教案:《Unit 4 Newspapers》教学设计(三)

Teaching Aims and Demands

1.Get the information about China Daily.

2. Learn the Grammar: Gerund as subject and object.

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Revision

1. Check the homework exercises.

2.Get the students to retell Lesson 14, without looking at their books.

Step 2 Lead-in

The T shows a newspaper to the Ss and asks them the following question.

1.Do you like to read China Daily ? Why?

2.Where is China Daily published?

Step 3 Listening

Listen the tape carefully ,then let the Ss answer the following questions.

1.Why Chinese people should have its own English newspaper?

2.Why does the Sun Yao enjoy reading China Daily?


1.Know the outside world, and introduce Chinese people’s life and achievements to the outside world.

2.He learns new words and expressions. He sees how English is used in everyday life. He enjoys reading about lots of different subjects.

Step 4 Reading

Get Ss to read the text carefully and answer the following questions.

1.How many days a week does China Daily appear?

2. Every Saturday, what will be published in one of the sections?

3. What will come out in China Daily every day?

4. In what way can China Daily cut down its cost?


1.Six days with a Sunday edition.

2.Theres is a section about things to do at the weekend and the TV programmes in the coming weeks.

3.There are plenty pictures, and a weather report every day.

4.China Daily has plenty of advertisements, which help to cut the costs of making the newspaper.

Step 5. Further Reading

Get the Ss to skim the whole text and try to give the main idea of each paragraph.

Paragraph1: China Daily published in Beijing is an English language newspaper.

Paragraph2: Introduction on what news is reported in China Daily.

Paragraph 3: Why do so many advertisements come out in China Daily?

Paragraph 4: Many foreigners as well as Ss of English like to read China Daily.

Step 6 Discussion

The T gives the Ss the following topics to discuss and divide them four or five group, at last the T ask their opinions and views. For example:

China Daily is popular with students of English ,which column attract your attention? Why?

Which column is added or deleted ? What’s your opinion?

Step 7 Grammar

1.Ask Ss to give out the sentences in the text with –ing form

2.Let the Ss Watch the video to Explain –ing used as adj. or Gerund.

Step 8 Consolidation

1.Get the Ss to do writing work.

2.Let Ss do pair work 4 Practice and tell them to find different ways to complete the sentence.

3. Help the Ss do 5 Practice.

Step 9 Homework

1.Finish off the Workbook exercises.

2.Write down a passage with the following title: My favorite newspaper.