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高三英语教案:unit1 Madame Curie——1。

古人云,工欲善其事,必先利其器。高中教师要准备好教案,这是高中教师需要精心准备的。教案可以让学生能够在教学期间跟着互动起来,让高中教师能够快速的解决各种教学问题。你知道如何去写好一份优秀的高中教案呢?小编经过搜集和处理,为您提供高三英语教案:unit1 Madame Curie——1,欢迎您阅读和收藏,并分享给身边的朋友!

教学设计Unit 1 Lesson 1

Unit 1 Lesson 1

Step 1 Check the pronunciation of the new words in Unit 1

Ask one or two students to read aloud the new words one by one, correct their pronunciation and then ask all the students to read aloud after the teacher (twice for each word).

Step 2 Dialogue

Tell the students "Now , we are going to listen to a dialogue about a medical conference. Here are two questions for you to think about while you are listening. I'll play the tape twice and you are supposed to give the answers and the key words that support your answers."

Tell the students the two questions and write them on the blackboard if necessary.

Questions: 1. Is it a good conference this year? (No.)

2. What is it like? (Very disappointing; not as good as last year's.)

I. Listening (twice)

Play the tape for the students to listen to. Try asking them to answer the two questions at the end of the first time. If most of them can answer the questions properly, you can let the students repeat the dialogue sentence by sentence at the second time.

II. Answering questions

III. Go through the dialogue

Ask the students to underline the expressions of certainty and uncertainty, write them on the blackboard or display them on the screen. Ask,

"What do you think the function of these expressions? And when shall we use them?"

"Is there any difference?"

The students will definitely say "Yes". Encourage them to tell which expressions show certainty and which show uncertainty. Then ask,

"Can you give some more such similar expressions to express certainty and uncertainty?"

Put down what the students say or remind them to remember some and put them down on the blackboard. The students should copy the in their textbooks.

a.the expressions of certainty:

I'm sure…

The expressions of uncertainty:

I'm not sure

I doubt if…



b. How did you find the talk this morning?

How did you like ? / What did you think of ? / What was the talk like…?

IV. Practice (group work)

Let the students practice the dialogue in groups of two or four while the teacher walks among the students in case there are some questions and problems to answer and settle.

Step3 Practice (Part 2 &3 on Page 1)

These two exercises are easy enough for the students to finish in a short time. The teacher should remind and encourage them to make as many proper sentences as possible. e.g.

1 (I'm sure) +a/b/c/d/e/f/g

Step 4 Workbook (Ex.3, Page 73)


1. Ex,2, P73

2. Learn the dialogue in Lesson 1 by heart.

(For some students whose English is really poor, maybe reading fluently is enough.)

教学设计Unit 1 Lesson 2

Unit 1 Lesson 2

Step 1. Revision

1. Check the exercises on Page 73

2. Check the recitation/reading aloud of the dialogue.

Step 2. Reading

I. Reading comprehension

(Give Ss 10 minutes or so to read the


高三英语教案:unit1 Madame Curie——2

一名合格的教师要充分考虑学习的趣味性,作为教师就要在上课前做好适合自己的教案。教案可以让上课时的教学氛围非常活跃,帮助教师掌握上课时的教学节奏。那么如何写好我们的教案呢?小编为此仔细地整理了以下内容《高三英语教案:unit1 Madame Curie——2》,仅供参考,希望能为您提供参考!

Unit 1 Lesson 2



1.The text is mainly about Madame Curie's _____.

A. life, hard work and achievements B. college life in Paris

C. talent (天才) for physics D. cooperation (合作) with her husband

2. The greatest contribution (贡献) Madame Curie made to the word is the discovery of ____.

A. uranium B. radium C. polonium D. silicon

3. Marie became interested in physics ____.

A. before she went to university B. after she graduated from university

C. before she graduated from university D. after she went to university

4. From this text you can infer that life was ____ for Marie when she studied in Paris.

A. hard and meaningful B. easy and colorful

C. hard and tiresome D. Easy and interesting

5. Marie began her research work after she ____.

A. graduated from university B. got another degree in mathematics

C. got married D. gave birth to her first child

6. The radioactive nature of uranium was first discovered by ____.

A. Marie B. Mr. Curie C. another scientist D. Mr. And Mr. Curie

7. Which mineral is the most radioactive?

A. Polonium B. Uranium C. Radium D. Silicon

8. When did Mr. and Mrs. Curie begin to do research work together?

A. After they got married. B. After Mrs. Curie got her degree in mathematics.

C. After Mrs. Curie found polonium D. After Mr. Curie got a job.

9. What is the meaning of the word "share" in the text?

A. Have free time. B. Have something in common. C. Study. D. Research.

10. The second paragraph shows Marie's ____.

A. determination to succeed B. belief in her own ability

C. devotion to her research work D. understanding of the importance of science

(Key:1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.B)

While checking the answers to the ten questions, pay attention to those that are questioned.

For some, maybe you have to explain or analyze the meaning of the questions clearly and exactly, and for others, maybe you have to tell the students the meanings of the new vocabulary. Besides, some answers can be clear when the teacher and the students are reading the text carefully, so it is also OK to leave some questions aside for a while as long as you remember to mention them in the text.

II. Go through the text.

1. Say to the students,

"I'm going to play the tape of the text and you should read in a low voice after the tape. Please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. While you are reading, please think of this question "In what order is the text written?" And underline the useful phrases and expressions you find in the text."

If the students' English level is high enough, they can finish the tasks without difficulty. Then the teacher can go through the language of the text quickly.

If the students' English is not so good, it is necessary for the teacher to spend some time on the structure of the t

高三英语假案:unit1 Madame Curie——4

一名优秀的教师在教学方面无论做什么事都有计划和准备,作为教师就要好好准备好一份教案课件。教案可以让学生更容易听懂所讲的内容,减轻教师们在教学时的教学压力。那么,你知道教案要怎么写呢?下面是小编精心为您整理的“高三英语假案:unit1 Madame Curie——4”,希望对您的工作和生活有所帮助。

> 5. Which characteristic(性格) belonged to Mrs. Curie?

A. Devotion B. Impatience C. Carelessness D. Selfishness

(Key1.D 2.B 3.B 4.d 5.A)


A Debate

The teacher says, " We all know that Marie Curie was a great woman scientist. Her are two opinions about her success. One is that she succeeded because she married Pierre Curie, a university professor at that time, and he and his fame actually helped her become famous. In fact, Marie Curie was not so outstanding as nowadays we think she was. Another idea is that Marie Curie's success is based on her hard work , brightness and the belief in herself. I'll divide all of you students into two groups and each of you can only be for one opinion and against the other. You have to show your evidence for the opinion that you support. When you show your idea and try to defeat those who are on the other side publicly, that is called "a debate". I'll give you some time after class to prepare for the debate. You can try your best to look for information about the Curies and you are supposed to put down what you think in your writing book. Then we'll hold a live debate and some students will be chosen to give their representation."

The teacher gives the students some time and necessary help in their looking for information and writing. Then an oral debate between two groups of four students each. After that, a rewriting of the debate.

unit1 Madame Curie搜集整理

unit1 Madame Curie教学目标

每个老师需要在上课前弄好自己的教案课件,大家在用心的考虑自己的教案课件。教案课件工作计划写好了之后,这样接下来工作才会更上一层楼!有没有好的范文是适合教案课件?小编特地为大家精心收集和整理了“unit1 Madame Curie教学目标”,仅供您在工作和学习中参考。


1.交际用语;掌握交际用语中关于Certainty and uncertainty 的使用,并使学生能够熟练运用下列表达:

Perhaps I'll go to that one.

Maybe it was useful for some people.

I'm not sure if/whether…

I doubt if he'll be asked to speak again next year.

I'm not sure that …

I'm sure …

2. 语言点:掌握词语succeed , devote, set off, pay off 等的用法



运用所学语言,完成教科书和练习册中所规定的听说读写的任务;阅读课文Madame Curie", 确切理解,让学生了解科学家居里夫妇一生为人类作出的贡献,引导他们学习居里夫妇从事科学事业所表现出来的毅力,勇气和献身精神,并完成有关课文内容的练习。

教学建议Lesson 1


由于高三学年的学习面临着高考任务,因此应从第一节课开始,向学生宣讲"突出语篇,强调应用,注意实际。"这十二个字为高考题原则。从现在起以语篇为基本单位,进行全面的综合的高考复习,本学年除要学完高三两册课本内容外,还需要有一定时间进行各项分类讲解与练习以及综合试卷的模拟练习,因此,对于课本内容的处理应根据本校,本教学班的具体英语水平及程度进行适当调整。若学生程度较好,可将课文主要作为阅读材料进行处理,建议每单元(包括听力)用三课时完成。若学生程度较弱,对课文内容的处理可以从细,尤其是对每篇文章结构,主旨大意,难句,高考中常考到的词语用法,异同辨析等的讲解,练习与检测。当然,对于部分课后练习以及课文内容依然要做适当删减,删减标准,以上述十二字原则为准。以保证综合复习时间。需要教师注意的是,教学速度的加快极易导致教学过程 流于形式,难于保证效果,因此,要特别注意检查落实的实施。例如每单元以语篇为单位检测语法点、短语及词汇,并记分。就本单元而言,因有较为重要的语法定语从句,建议用四至七课时完成。两篇课文中的语法点和辨析内容较多,可不必一次性讲完,每课时最多处理四至五个。资源中提供的资料要根据高考要求经过适当裁剪教与学生。另外,在作词语辨析时,应尽量从原有的知识入手,发挥学生的主观能动性,多让他们张嘴,或将需要辨析的词语作为作业 布置下去,由学生去找出异同,教师后来作出评价和取舍。课文结构和内容的分析可与语法点的讲解分开处理,若条件许可,个别词语可通过让学生课上课下造句的形式加以掌握和强化。

Lesson 1 词汇辨析:

1. I'm not sure whether to go to the one about accidents. 我还没有决定是否去听那个有关事故的报告。

(1) be sure + whether等连词+不定式

be sure + of/about短语

be sure + that-clause(从句)


① She isn't sure whether to stay in New York next month.下个月是否留在纽约,她还不能肯定。(注:不定式的逻辑主语与全句主语一致)

② I wasn't sure about/of the way,so I asked someone.我对于怎么走没有把握,所以我就问人了。

③I'm sure he'll come.我肯定他会来。

(2)be sure to do sth.表示"一定会...,必定会..."。e.g.

It's a really good film-you're sure to like it.它确实是一部好电影,你一定会喜欢

(3)be sure作"有把握"解时,还可用feel sure。e.g.

①I've never felt sure of success.我从来没有像现在这样对胜利有充分的信心。

②I feel sure we have disturbed you of your work.我确信我们已打扰了你的工作。

(4)be sure 与be certain

be certain意思是"确信,有把握",用法与be sure同,即:

be certain + 不定式

be certain + of/about-phrase

be certain + that-clause

但sure强调主语的心理状态,指主语心中无疑或十分确信、有把握,着重于人的内心世界,故其主语只能是人,且不能用来形容事件。所以当主语是表示事件的名词、代词或it时,只能用certain. certain 着重说明有肯定的理由和证据使人相信或确信,强调内心世界之外的证据。e.g.

①it is certain to rain.天肯定会下雨。

②His information was by no means certain.他的消息-点也不可靠。

③ It's almost certain that the government will lose the next election.几乎可以肯定现政府会在下次选举中输掉。

④We are sure/certain of victory.我们确信自己会获胜。

(5)make sure表示"查明,弄确实"和"(采取行动)确保",其用法是:

make sure + of-phrase

make sure + that-clause

① I think I locked the door,but I'll just go back and make sure of it/that I did.


②They made sure of winning by scoring two goals in the last five minutes.


2. Perhaps I'll go to that one。也许我会去听那个报告。

Maybe it was useful for some people.它(指报告)对一些人或许有益。






①Perhaps/Maybe I'll go.我或许会去。

②This is perhaps his best novel yet.这也许是他迄今为止写得最好的一部小说。

③Perhaps/Maybe you would like to join us for lunch.也许您愿意和我们一块去吃午饭。(表请求)

④You'd better go now,perhaps.您最好还是现在就走。(表命令)

⑤John probably told his father all about the matter;he usually tells him everything.约翰很可能把这一切都告诉了他的父亲;他通常对父亲是什么都说的。(表可能性很大)

⑥I'll do all I possibly can.我将尽我的所能去做。(与can连用)

⑦I can't possibly drink any more.我无论如何不能再喝了。

4.I doubt if he'll be asked to speak again next year.我怀疑明年是否会再次邀请他发言。


(1)doubt + that-clause。e.g.

I doubt that she will get the job.我不相信她会得到那个工作。

(2)doubt + 名词/代词。e.g.

I doubt his honesty.我对他的诚实表示怀疑。

(3)doubt + v.-ing form。e.g.

We ever doubted being able to finish the work in time.我们曾经对能否及时完成这工作怀疑过。

(4)doubt + of-phrase。e.g.

They have never doubted of success.他们从未对取得成功有什么怀疑。

如果要表示"对……没有怀疑/疑虑",则用句型There is no doubt about sth./as to sth./that-clause。

①There is no doubt about the truth of the news.=There is no doubt as to the troth Of the news.消息的真实性无可怀疑。

②There is no doubt that the news is true.=No doubt that the news is true. 消息无疑是真实的。

高三英语教案:《Module 1 Unit 1 复习》教学设计

俗话说,居安思危,思则有备,有备无患。高中教师要准备好教案,这是教师工作中的一部分。教案可以让学生更容易听懂所讲的内容,帮助高中教师能够更轻松的上课教学。那么怎么才能写出优秀的高中教案呢?下面是小编精心收集整理,为您带来的《高三英语教案:《Module 1 Unit 1 复习》教学设计》,希望对您的工作和生活有所帮助。

1.an enjoyable and exciting experience 2.be happy with

3.attend an assembly 4.the best way to earn respect

5.devote oneself to study 6.achieve high grades

7.sound like... 8.it’s a struggle for sb to do sth

9a bit challenging 10.give me much encouragement

11.during lunch break 12.for free

13.hold a class party 14.be fond of (doing) sth

15.make a small sculpture 16.look back on

17.with satisfaction 18.surf the Internet

19.take the Art class 20.a car park

21.be available for experiments 22.Each room comes with its bathroom.

23.serve three meals 24.during break times

25.inform sb of/about/that 26.keep sb informed of/ that

27.run a radio club 28.approve of....

29.in charge of/ in the charge of 30.more than

31.do sth for preparation 32.make preparations for/in preparation for

33.on the last day of every month 34.a little nervous

35.on (an/ the)average 36.an academic exchange

37.the former...the latter 38.be independent of/ be dependent on

39.make use of/ make the best of 40.take advantage of

41.opening hours 42.prepare sb.for sth/to do sth

43.be composed of

44.literature cooking extra dessert

45.graduate fluent splendid title

46.somehow dynasty host schoolmate

47.broadcast event (cover the event) outing

48.poet generation literary select

49.elect choose courtyard composition

50.Upon finishing his studies, he started traveling in China.

51.We make sure that we take good care of every student.

52.It is a struggle for me to remember all the faces and names.

53.I found that the home work was not as heavy as what we used to get in my old school.

Module 1 Unit 1 复习(补充)

1.be experienced in../ have experience in… 2.devote much energy to…

3.struggle for/ against/ with… 4.struggle to one’s feet

5.it’s a struggle for sb to do… 6.make the most/best of…

7.take advantage of… 8.somehow or rathter

9.somewhat / anyhow 10.keep sb informed of…

11.be well informed of… 12.prepare for…

13.make preparations for… 14.do…for preparation

15.in preparation for 16.prepare sb for…

17.get/be prepared for… 18.drop (some) subjects

19.follow the main meal 20.mean doing

21.mean to do 22.mean sb to do

23.had meant to do =meant to have done 24.be meant for…/ to do

25.attend a meeting/conference 26.attend class/school/college

27.take part in/ join in/join sb in… 28.attend on../ attend to…

29.make fun of… 30.for fun

31.what fun! 32.have fun

33.It’s great fun to do… 34.miss doing/being done

35.earn one’s living 36.not a little

37.not a bit 38.be free to do

39.achieve success 40.approve the idea

41.play music 42.run a radio club

43.after graduation 44.broadcast some messages

45.require sb to do/ be required to do 46.run after/away/across/into/for

47.sth run out / sb run out of sth 48.in the long run

49.more than ①②③④ 50.no more than

51.no 比较级 than… 52.less than / not more than

53….require doing /…require to be done 54.suggest(sb/sb’s) doing …

55.speak fluent Chinese 56.upon finishing his studies

57.independent study 58.miss the chance to do…

59.develop an interest in… 60.come back to life

61.take up his spare time 62.a piece of cake

63.what’s up? 64.How come +陈述句?

65.please go ahead 66.take your time.

67.It depends/ That depends. 68.out of (the) question

69.lose one’s temper 70.be tired from/ of

71.be based on…./ base…on…

72.定语从句只能用that 不能用which 的7种情况

73.way 做先行词,引导定语从句的关系词有

74.whose + N. = ____________________________ =_________________________________
