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高一英语教案:《Unit 3 Going places 去旅游》优秀教学设计。

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高一英语教案:《Unit 3 Going places 去旅游》优秀教学设计

unit3 going places

4th period

teaching aims

do some reading and talking

learn and master: combine task

learn to write english letters

important points in teaching

learn about eco-travel

learn to express themselves in the group discussion in english

revise and learn how to write english letters

.difficult points in teaching

express themselves in proper english

build up the sense of environmental protection

from the writing habit of english letters

.teaching methods

east/careful reading for gist/details

discussion in groups and writing practice

.teaching aids

a slide projector

macromedia equipment

main procedures in teaching

step 1 greeting and revision

step 2 do reading and talking

step 3 writing

step 4assignment

revise the contents of the whole unit.

finish off the letters and write them in the exercise book.

preview the next unit


高一英语教案:《Unit 3 Going places 去旅游》教学设计(二)

高一英语教案:《Unit 3 Going places 去旅游》教学设计(二)

2nd period

teaching aims

words and expressions:

experience, simply, get away from, vacation, nature, basic, equipment, tip cell, phone, watch out, poison, poisonous, paddle, stream, normal, excitement, adventurous, handle, similarity.

improve the students’ reading comprehension.

important points in teaching

train the students to improve their reading comprehension

difficult points in teaching

question and answer for inducing

fast reading to find out some general information

careful reading to find out the details in the passages

pair-work/ group-work activities

teaching aids

1.a tape recorder

2. a slide projector

main procedures in teaching

step1 greeting and revision as usual

step 2 pre-reading


do you like traveling?

why do you like traveling? and why not?

where would you most like to travel? why is that?

have you ever tried any adventure travel in your life?

please discuss these questions with your partner.

step 3 while-reading

fast reading

what’s the basic equipment you need for hiking?

more questions

where can you go hiking?

how can you go hiking?

why is hiking a great way to travel?

what do you think of hiking?

do the same with rafting

where can you go rafting?

how can you do that?

why is rafting another exciting adventure?

what do you think of a normal rafting trip?

what’s your opinion about whitewater rafting?

why is rafting a good way to experience nature?

what is it like when you go on a normal rafting trip?

what is it like when you go on a white-water rafting trip?

can you think of some other words like “whitewater”?

step 4 post-reading

ask the students to choose their answers for the questions according to the passages.

ask them to check in pairs.

check the answers with the whole class.

ask the students to fill in the table individually.

check with the whole class.

step 5 consolidation

tell me about hiking/rafting.

step 6 play the record of the first paragraph for each passage for the students to listen and follow.

ask them to pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

step 7 summary

help the students to compare/contrast hiking and rafting to have a clear picture of their similarities and differences.

help the students to make a list of useful words. expressions and patterns in the passages.

step 8 assignment

revise the contents of the passages.

outline the two passages.

高一英语教案:《Unit 3 Going places 去旅游》教学设计(三)

高一英语教案:《Unit 3 Going places 去旅游》教学设计(三)

3rd period

Teaching aims

1. Learn to define or paraphrase the given words and phrases.

2. Learn and master: separate (v. adj.) benefit

3. Lean and master the use of the Present Continuous Tense for future actions.

4. Revise the tenses learned before.

5. Learn to organize sentences together to form a short passage.

Teaching Important Points

The use of the Present Continuous Tense for future actions

Teaching Difficult Points

1. The use of the Present Continuous Tense

2. How to organize English sentences to form a proper passage

Teaching Methods

1. Listening and dictation

2. Pair/Group work

3. Inductive method and Deductive method

4. Sentences making practice

Teaching Aids

A slide projector or computer

Main projector in Teaching

Step 1 Greeting and Revision as usual

Step 2 Word study

Ask the students to match the words and phrases to right expressions individually. Check in pairs and then check with the whole class.

Step 3 Language focus

Ask the students to read the dialogue and underline the verbs that express future.

Let the students study the example.

Make sure they understand what to do.

Ask the students to check in pairs.

Check with the whole class.

Summary: The Present Continuous Tense may be used for future actions.

Ask the students to read aloud the dialogue again in pairs.

Ask one or more pairs to act it out.

Step 4 Practice

Ask questions about how things were done in the past,

how they are done today, and how they will be done in the future, e.g.

How did people travel in the past?

How do people travel today?

How will people travel in the future?

Step 5 Practice

Study the example first.

Then ask the students to write a paragraph for each column.

Ask four or more students to report their paragraphs.

Step 6 Consolidation

Ask the students to talk or make sentences about their future plans using the Present Continuous Tense for future actions.

Step 7 Summary

Help the students to generalize the use of the Present Continuous Tense for future actions.

Step 8 Assignment

1. Revise the grammar

2. Write their passages in the exercise book.

高一英语教案:《Unit 9 科技》优秀教学设计(二)

高一英语教案:《Unit 9 科技》优秀教学设计(二)

unit 9 technology

6th period

sub topic: attitude towards technology

focus using english

tasks 1. a debate to be a technology-driven human or not to be

2. a letter love is the everlasting topic of the world

3. a short essay

teaching aims: 1. to use the following sentences to continue the debate (absolutely. that’s exactly what i was thinking. that’s a good point. that’s just how i see it. that’s worth thinking about. i disagree. i’m afraid i don’t agree. well, it depends. well, i don’t know. well, i am not sure about that oh, i do so agree. absolutely right. definitely. i guess so. i can’t agree with you there. not really. not exactly. no way……)to express opinions in real situations

2.to learn to write an essay

moral focus: global sense

teaching aids: a tape recorder, a set of multi-media teaching system

teaching procedures:

step one warming up



compare china and the western countries in terms of technology with the help of the multi-media teaching system.

talk about the relationship between the young generation and the future of china

work out the qualities that the new generation should have in order to make the nation more powerful

step two investigation report

3. announce the results of the investigation

4. personal comments on the results of the investigation

5.share opinions with other groups

6.read and refine the language of the report

7.submit the report to the related department of the local government

step three a design

8.work in groups of five.

9.work out some regulations for the communities to keep the teenagers away from the cyber cafe.

10.contribute the regulations to the communities

step four thinking and judging

11.. prepare the students for the on-coming debate by asking them the following questions.

what helps us a lot in our teaching and learning?

did i use the multi-media teaching system in every class?

should we use the multi-media teaching system in every class?

why yes or no?

how should we make good use of the advanced facilities?

step five a debate

12. a debate: to be technology-driven human or not to be

13. divide the whole class into two and debate whether humans should be controlled by technology or not

explain why humans should be technology-driven and why not

cite examples to support the idea

persuasive language is strongly suggested

a final speech from each is expected

step six discussing

14. discuss about the result of the ill use of technology

impress the students with the sharp contrast between the abusing use and hailing promotion of technology by showing some of the pictures like中国移动拯救海难主人翁照片,heart-transplanting operation, antarctica expedition, the iraq war, the atomic bombing ,the nuclear weapon competition etc.

step seven reflective thinking

what would happen if we go on abusing technology?

17. imagine a world that is controlled by robots?

step eight language input

18. read the passage and think what is missing in this future world

step nine imagination

19. imagine that you are one of the students chosen to solve the problem. write a letter to q 12 in which you explain love and friendship. remember that q12 is a computer that does not understand how human beings feel and what human life is like. tell q12 about how we think, how we feel about each other, and try to give examples of love and friendship

tell your classmates about the examples that you are going to use

a letter to q12 love is the everlasting topic of the world

the following may help you with the writing

tell q12 who you are and why you are writing this letter

tell q12 about love and friendship and explain how love and friendship will make the world better

tell q12 what the world will be like with love and friendship

22. exhibit the writings

step ten tips for life

23. give remarks to cultivate some virtues that will be of practical value to the students at school, for subsequent careers and in their personal lives. e.g.

高二英语教案:《Unit 3 Art and architecture》优秀教学设计(一)

高二英语教案:《Unit 3 Art and architecture》优秀教学设计(一)

Step 1, Lead—in

T: Hello, everybody, yesterday we have seen a lot of wonderful modern architectures and got to know some famous architects. Today I’d like to introduce you one of my friends. He is an architect. Who can tell me the meaning of “architect”. (a person who designs buildings). He lived in this house when he was young. Do you think this house beautiful or not beautiful? (not beautiful) Can you use another word to replace “not beautiful”. (ugly). So when he became an architect, he designed some pretty houses. Not long ago he designed a new house for me. Let’s go and see my new house.

Step 2, Vocabulary

T: Welcome to my new house. Could you say something about my new home?

T: I’m not alone here, because I have two neighbors. Do you know who are they and where they live? (nest, dog house)

T: Let’s learn some new words of house.(balcony concrete nest brick roof)

Try to remember these new words, then fill in the blanks.

van area with a wall or bars around it, joined to the outside wall of a building ________________.

vA strong construction material which is a mixture of stone, and sand and water _________________

va shelter made by a bird to hold its eggs and young ____________

vthe structure on the top of a building to keep the rain out_________

Step 3, Word Study

T: Can you tell me which is the most ancient building in my yard? (nest)

A nest is to a bird what a house to a man.

Who can tell me the meaning of this sentence?


T: Good. Let’s try another one

Water is to fish what air is to men.


T: Well done. These two sentences have something in common—they are using the same sentence pattern. What is it?

→A is to B what C is to D

T: Very good. Now I will show you more pictures, you should find out the relationship between these pictures, and create sentences using the above pattern.

Fur is to a fox what the_____is to a banana.

____are to a house what words are to a text.

An architect is to____________what a painter is to art.

A___is to a boat what an engine is to a car.

A____is to a fisherman what a gun is to a hunter.

Arms are to the body what_______are to a tree.

Step 4, Grammar

T: I’m very glad that you like my new home. Our new school is far away from the downtown, so a new market is build near our school. I’ll guide you to the market to see what you can do there.

show the Ss the picture and ask them to describe it.

--What can you see in the market?

--Let’s see what can we do here?

Give examples: I can have my hair cut here.

I can have my bike mended.

Ask the Ss to make similar sentences.

T: in all these sentences we use a sentence pattern—“have something done”.

Now let’s see the pairs of sentences, and compare A and B.

A: I can have my bike mended

B: I can have the car waiting for me.

A: I found myself tied to a tree.

B: I found myself walking in a forest.

Watch more sentences on page 22.

Examine all the sentences carefully, and find out when we use –ing form and when we use –ed form.

→ passive voice: -ed

active voice: -ing

Look at the pictures, can you find out another difference between –ing form and –ed form.

Let’s do some exercises.


wDid you find the city wdone?

wWhen will he ever get the work wgreatly changed?

wShe can’t make herself wcalled.

wNext week I’ll have my bedroom wunderstood.

wYou’ve got to keep the door wlocked.

wI got the watch wrepaired.

wShe heard her name wdecorated


wI don’t want any bad words____(say) about him behind his back.

wPlease get the work____(do) as soon as possible.

wI’ll have the materials_____(send) to you next Monday morning.

wShe won’t have her long and beautiful hair____ (cut) short.

wYou should make your voice______(hear).

wI want you to keep me_________(inform) of how things are going with you.

wThe rent sounds reasonable. How would you like it________(pay).

wAt last I succeeded in making myself__________(understand).

We’ll move to the new school, and four people will share one room. There will be a competition on decorating your room. The most beautiful and most special room will he the winner. Now work in groups of four to design your room. Five minutes later the group leaders should give a simple report. And pay attention to use –ed form in your report. Here are some phrases to help you:

Step 5, Homework

1.Workbook page 97, exercises 1—5

2.Workbook page 98, exercises 1—2