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七年级英语教学设计模板 篇1



1、熟悉掌握词汇name clock 等



【学习重点】: 使学生学会打招呼和介绍自己,并询问他人姓名的句型.

Nice to meet you . What's your name ? My name is ......


一、自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.)

学习任务一: 熟悉掌握词汇name ,clock

1、 认真观察第一页的图画,小组讨论你所认识的物品的英语单词.


3、小组竞赛,展示( 看谁总结的多, 写的准确)

学习任务二: 学会介绍自己并询问他人姓名,能够利用所学知识进行打招呼.

1、 教师自我介绍,引导学生介绍自己.

A: Hello , I am Gina , What's your name ?

B: My name is Alan .

2、小组竞赛, 两人一组,询问他人姓名,介绍自己.


学习任务三: 能听懂听力对话并能对根据听力对话进行自由交际.

1,、听录音, 给1B 的对话编号.


3、小组竞赛, 展示对话交际。

二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. )

小组讨论我们所学的英语名字和汉语名字的区别, 如何用英语拼写


三、系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.)




(一) 单项选择.

1. _______your name ? My name is Gina .

A. What B. What's C. Who D. which

2. Good morning , Miss Wang ! _____________!

A. Hello B.Hi C. Nice to meet you D. Good morning

3. I _______Sally , What______ your name ?

A. am ,is B. is , am C. is , is D.am, am

4. ______name is Li lei .

A. I B. I am C. My D. you

5.— _______, What's your name ?

— John Green .

A. Hi B. Ok C. sorry D. Excuse me

(二) 写出下列单词的完全形式, 并写出汉语意思.

I'm _________ __________ what's __________ ________

name 's ___________ __________


时钟 _______ 我的 ________ 你的___________ 名字_______ 遇见_________


1. 见到你很高兴. _________________________________.

2.我叫王小雨. ____________________________________.

3. 你叫什么名字? ____________________________________

(五) 根据情景补全对话.

A: Good afternoon !

B: ____________________!

A; I ______Lucy . _________your name ?

B: My ______ is Jim . Nice to ______you !

A: _______________________________.




Key words: short, curly, long, tall, straight hair, a medium build, thin, heavy, bald;

brown, blonde;

glasses, hair, beard, mustache.

New language:

What do you look like? I’m short. And I have curly hair.

What do they look like? They’re medium height. And they have short hair.

What does he look like? He’s heavy and he wears glasses.

What does she look like? She’s thin and she has long hair.


Importance: Describing people. Such as tall or short… and who has long hair and short hair…

Difficulties: use the sentences correctly to describe the physical appearance.

III. Teaching Steps:




Step 1 Greetings

Step 2 Ask some students to name some ways of describing people. Start students off with examples such as tall and short. Point out various students in the class and ask students to say if they are tall or short.

Step 3 Some new words about this part

(1a) This activity introduces the key vocabulary. Ask students to read the list of words. Point to the letters next to the people in the picture. Point out the sample answer. At last, check the answers.

(1b) This activity provides guided listening and writing practice the target language.

Play the recording the first time, then , play it again, this time, students fill in the blanks in the speech bubbles.

Correct the answers.

Language points: 1.He’s the tall boy with the curly hair.

(1c)This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Ask the students to ask and answer the questions. Then have students work in pairs. As they talk, move around the room monitoring their work.

Language points:

2.What does your friend look like?你的朋友长得什么样?

look like “看起来像,看起来是……的样子”like 作介词,意为“像….”

eg. What’s he like?

Jack is very like his father.

look like 看起来像 The girl look like her mother.

look 看起来 后加形容词作表语 His sister looks happy.

look the same 看起来很像 The twins look the same.

(2a)This activity provides guided listening practice using the target language.

Point to the list of nice phrases and ask a students to read them to the class. Play the recording twice. And complete the answers. Then correct the answers.

(2b)Ask the students to listen to the descriptions and write the words in the correct column after each person’s name.

(3)Writing practice: Have students do the activity individually. Offer help as necessary.

(Grammar focus) Review the grammar box. Ask students to read the questions and answers. Point out: ①does, goes-----you, they do, go--------he, she.

②I’m, they’re, he’s and she’s -----height

(3a)This activity provides reading practice using the target language. Have a student read the first description. Check the answers.

Language points:

3.She has a medium build, and she has long hair. 她体格中等,留着长发。

①medium ,adj.中间的,中等的,普通的 a man of medium height medium size

②build 多用作动词,但在句中是名词,意为体格。

His uncle is a man of strong build.

They are building a new school.

③hair 常用作集合名词,“头发,毛发”

Mr Green has blond hair.

His mother’s hair is turning gray.


My father has quite a few gray hairs.

4.She’s good-looking but she’s a little bit quiet. 她很漂亮,但是有点不大爱说话。

①a little bit 常用于口语中,“稍微,有些,少许”相当于副词。接近于a little.

It’s a little bit cold today.

I feel a little tired now.

This shirt is a little too large for me.

②quiet 是形容词,“寡言的,稳重的,温顺的”

His daughter is a quiet child.

③good-looking, beautiful, pretty与handsome

good-looking 常用于指容貌美,beautiful 表示接近和谐理想的美; pretty并非表示完美无缺的意思,而是着重表示“可爱,令人怜爱”;handsome 指容貌端正英俊的,形容女性时,作“健美的”。他们常用于一些特定的人或事物。

项目-词汇 beautiful pretty good-looking handsome

women(女性) √ √ √ √

man (男性) × × √ √

child(小孩) √ √ √ ×

bird(鸟) √ √ × ×

flower(花) √ √ × ×

village(村庄) √ √ × ×

picture(画) √ √ × ×

dress(服装) √ √ × ×

voice(声音) √ × × ×

5.Xu Qian loves to tell jokes .俆倩喜欢说笑话。

①love 在本句中为“喜欢, 热爱”常可用于“love+doing/ to do”的结构中。

His brother loves jazz.

Miss Read loves her cat more than anything else.

They all love to dance .

love 作动词还常表示为“爱,疼爱,爱惜”

They both love each other.

②tell jokes 意思为“说笑话”,类似的短语还有 tell a story, tell a lie, tell the truth.

6.She never stops talking.他从来都是喋喋不休的说。

①never 是副词,意思为“决不,永不,从未,一点也不”

never 通常置于一般动词之前,be动词、助动词之后。

I never get up early Sunday morning.

She is never late for school.


They spoke never a word to each other.

never 可依置于命令动词之前。

Never eat too much.

②stop doing / stop to do

stop 后接动名词,表示停下动名词所指的动作; stop 后接不定式,表示停下其他事情,去做不定时所指的动作。

He stopped drinking water. 他停下(不再)喝水。

He stopped to drink water. 他停下(停下手)来喝水。

7.He likes reading and playing chess. 他喜欢读书下棋。

①read 多指看文字性的东西,“看”实际上就是“读”,作及物动词和不及物动词都可以。

Children usually like reading picture-books.

Don’t read in the sun.

②look 为不及物动词,后面接宾语时,需用介词at,表示看的过程,强调有意识的动作,多用来唤起别人的注意。

Look! Who’s the man under the tree?

③see 能用作及物动词后接宾语,也可用作不及物动词,着重于看的结果,“看到,看见”


Can you see the kite in the tree?

固定搭配:see a doctor see a film

④watch 为及物动词,用来指非常仔细的、有目的或特意的动作,表示“注视、观看、监视”。

My parents often watch me do my homework..

The teacher often watch them playing games.

注意:看电视,看比赛 习惯上多用watch表示,即:watch TV, watch a game.

⑤play chess 意思为下棋,play常可作“比赛,竞赛”等,但要注意,play 与比赛、游戏用在一起时,比赛游戏前不加冠词。

Let’s play football after school.

Look! They are playing cards under the tree.

(3b)Practice the target language.

Have two students read out the example dialogue in the speech bubbles. And then have several pairs present their dialogues to the class.

(4)Ask some students to describe a person while their classmates guess who it is.

Step 4 Do some exercises to practice.

Step 5 Blackboard design

Step 6.Homework.

① Read all the words and remember the key words and can use freely.

②Say some sentences about one person’s appearance.








◆ 掌握部分有关电视节目以及表示装饰的词汇,如:soap opera, sitcom, sports show, host, super, agree, hair clip, key ring, belt, wallet etc.

◆ What do you think of…? 句式在不同人称中的使用及其几种不同的答语方式,并能简单陈述理由。

◆ 掌握运用love, like, don’t like, don’t mind, can’t stand恰当表达对有关事物的观点和态度。


◆ 学会陈述自己的看法和意见。

◆ 学会谈论自己的喜好。

◆ 谈谈流行文化,了解各类电影和电视节目的名称。

◆ 了解一些日常生活用品,描述对其喜好程度。




◆ 学会客观地评价事物。

◆ 正确表达自己的意见。

◆ 正确认识流行文化。

◆ 了解中西文化在表达自己的观点时存在很大差异——我们比较委婉,而西方人则更直接一些。





正确运用What do you/does he/she think of…?及I love/like/don’t like/don’t mind/can’t stand ... He/She loves/likes/doesn’t like/doesn’t mind/can’t stand ...等句型结构来表达对客观事物的评价。




Step1 Warming up : Chant

What do you think of talk shows?

I don’t mind them.

What about game shows?

I love them.

Do you like sitcoms?

Yes, I do.

Step 2 Revision: Dialogue show time

注:1. Dialogue show后要鼓励学生给予comments。可以引导学生在以下几方面评价:

What do you think of their dialogue?

Body language




1,2,3,4 Mary is at the kitchen door.

5,6,7,8 Mary is at the garden.

Step 3 Presentation

1. Listen and do 2a, 2b.

借助Dialogue show 及过渡句“Have you seen the sitcom Dumpling King引出听力

2. 做完2a,2b后,问:

What does he think of Dumpling King?

What does he think of Er Bao

Xiao Bao ?



Step 4 Information exchange

Student A looks at one paper, student B looks at the other paper.(Don’t look at his/her partner’s paper)

运用句型结构:What does Alan/Yang Lin think of these TV shows?交流信息。

Step 5 Task(1):

Weekend Talk show

学生三人一组,分别扮演角色 host/hostress和guests,电视访谈节目的演示,谈论对不同TV shows的看法,但老师先要给予Talk show的model。

A: Welcome to 9 o’clock weekend Talk show.

We’re talking to….Welcome to the show…

B: Thank you.

A: Do you like to watch TV?


A: What do you think of sports shows?


A: How about…?


A: OK! Thanks for joining us. Next, we’re talking to…

Step 6 Task (2):Survey time

列举常见TV Shows的名称,调查并统计班内同学对各种节目的观点。四人小组以统计图表的形式(学生可以creative一些,设计各种统计图表)呈现结果,再给TV station写一封调查报告,并提些建议。

统计时,增加句型:I do, too.

I don’t, either.

Step7 Homework

1. Finish your diagram and stick on the board.

2. Finish writing the letter to the TV station.






Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?





rules, arrive, late, hall, dinning hall, listen, , fight, sorry outside,wear, important, bring, uniform, quiet


dining hall, arrive late for school, (be) on time, listen to music break the rules, in class, be/ keep quiet, a lot of, bring …to…,wear a hat, have to, music players


1. Don't eat in class.

2. You must be on time.

3. Eat in the dining hall.

4. 正确使用情态动词can, can’t

——Can we wear a hat in school?

——Yes, we can./No, we can’t.

5. 能正确使用have to 和 must 谈论规章制度

We must be on time/ We also have to be quiet in the library.



1) 肯定祈使句是省略掉主语的原形动词开头;

2) 否定祈使句则是在肯定祈使句前加上“don’t”。

3) 情态动词must及have to在用法上的区别。








规则_______ 到达_________ 准时___________走廊___________

礼堂_________ 餐厅_______________倾听___________________

听……______________打架_______________抱歉的_____________ 非常重要_____________ 带来;拿来_________________

不得不_____________ 校服;制服_________________


Don’t arrive late for class. ___________________________________

Don’t run in the hallways. ___________________________________



二. 情景导入


Please stand up/ sit down. Close the door, please. Look at me and listen to me.

Don’t open your books. Don’t talk. Let’s begin our class.



1.教师出示书上1a 的图片,向学生提问。


T:What’s the boy doing? S: He’s running.

T: Where is he running? S: He’s running in the hallways.(板书,教读)

T:Can you run in the hallways? S: No, I can’t.

T: So please don’t run in the hallways.(板书,教读)

(= You can’t run in the hallways.)


T:Why is he running in the hallways? S: He’s late.

T: Oh, he’s late for class.(板书,教读)

You can’t arrive late for class.(板书,教书) = Don’t arrive late for class.

2.work on 1a


3. Listening


Check the answers:

4. Pair work


5. Listening

Work on 2a:

First, read the sentences in 2a together.

Ss listen to the recording and check the activities they hear.

Play the recording again for the Ss to check the answers.

Work on 2b:

Listen to the recording again. Can Alan and Cindy do these activities? Circle can or can't above.

Check the answers:

6. Pair work

Talk about the rules in 2a.

Let some students come to the front and act out the conversations.



1.arrive late for school/ be late for school/ come to school late 上学迟到

2.arrive in/ at + 地点 in class 在课堂上

get to + 地点 in the classroom 在教室里 wear “穿着,戴着” be in + 颜色(穿......颜色的衣服) sound “听起来”系动词后接形容词

3. 祈使句的用法:祈使句是用来表示请求,命令,叮嘱,邀请,劝告等的句子,一般以动词原形开头。

a) V型祈使句(以行为动词开头) Listen to me,please. 请听我说.

b) B型祈使句(以Be开头) Be careful!小心!

c) L型祈使句(以Let开头)Let me help you. 让我帮助你.

d) D型祈使句(以Don’t+动词原形开头) Don’t talk in class.

4、must和have 的区别

must “必须”(强调主观意志);没有人称和数的变化;否定:mustn’t “不准”

have to “必须”(强调客观因素)三人称用:has to; 否定:don’t/ doesn’t have to

5. a lot of= lots of/ many/ much

6. bring sth. to sb.“带…来…”= bring sb. sth.




( )1.-- Don’t run in the room. -- ,Uncle.

A. Excuse me B. Sorry C. No

( )2. Peter wear sports shoes for the gym class today.

A. have to B. has C. has to

( )3. Our teacher us not to arrive late for the class.

A. says B. talks C. tells

( )4. -- we have to clean the classroom after school? --Yes, you .

A. Can, can B. Do, have C. Do, do

( )5.You can’t eat outside. It’s dirty.

A. in B. at C. /

2. 完成下列句型转换试题

1)I can play computer games on weekends.(一般疑问句)

_________________________________? Yes, ____________.

2) He has to wear uniform.(变否定句)

He _____ _____ _____ wear uniform.

3) I have to wear sneakers for gym class.(一般疑问句)

_____ you ____ ____ wear sneakers for gym class? Yes, I ____.

4) They have to wash clothes.(提问) ____ do they have ____ ____?

5) You can’t go out on school nights.(换一种表达) _______ go out on school nights.

6) Don’t talk in class.(同上) No _________________________.















短语:go to(a place),go shopping,go for a walk with……,visit (a person),watch sb do sth,It is time to do sth,read a book about(history),see an interesting talk show,study for the(math)test。




Step1. Revision

1. Check the past tense of some words.

2. Practice “How was your weekend?”

Step2. Exercise

Ask: What did you do yesterday?

Let’s see what Sally and Jim did yesterday. Do 1a on P56.

Do you like the things they did? Ask: Do you like to play the guitar? … .

Listen and write down what Sally and Jim did last weekend and complete the chart.

Step3. Survey

Interview your partners about their parents: What did your mother /father do last weekend? Then give us a report: My friend __’s father/mother … last weekend.

Step4. Reading

Read 3a by yourself, and circle the activities you like. Underline the activities you don’t like. Then let the students give their answers.

Explain: For most kids.

Then ask some students to read the passage.

Step5. Survey

What did most of you do last weekend? Ask about your friends in your group and give a report:

Last weekend, most of us … .

Step6. Exercise

Do 3b. First ask questions about the pictures? What is he/she doing?

Then fill in the blanks according to the pictures.

Step7 Oral Writing

Can you introduce your last weekend like 3b?


1. Write about what you did last weekend.

2.Do workbook(1) P35 (2)26






Unit 9 How was your weekend?

七年级英语教学设计模板 篇2

Present some key words ,phrases and sentences of the passage to help students understand the main idea of the passage better:river, boat, go on a rope way.

T: How do people usually cross a river?

How does the boy Liangliang go cross the river to school?

It is his dream to have a bridge, Can his dream come true?

Now let’s read the passage of 2b.


Fast reading: How does Liangliang go to school every day?

Careful reading: Read the passage and answer the questions.

How do the students in the village go to school?

Why do they go to school like this?

Does the boy like his school? Why?

What is the villagers dream? Do you think their dream can come true? Why or why not?(多媒体呈现答案)

(四)Language points

1. Crossing the River to School




crossing 是名词,“渡口,交叉点”。

2. For many students,it is easy to get to school.

It is +adj.+to do sth. “做某事是.......”

3. There is a very big river between their school and the village.

between ...and... “在....和...之间”,连接两个并列的成分。


(1) between 用于两者之间。

(2) among 用于三个或三个以上的人或物的“中间”。

4. But he is not afraid.

afraid: “害怕的,畏惧的”。

(1)be afraid of sth. 害怕某事/某物

(2)be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事

(3)be afraid of doing sth. 唯恐做某事,指担心或担忧做某事会引起某种后果。

(4)be afraid + that从句,恐怕....


5. Many of the students and villagers never leave the village.


a. 离开; 脱离

The train will leave at six tomorrow morning.

b. 把……留在; 留下

Leave the child at home. 把小孩留在家里。

c. 遗忘; 丢下

I left my notebook in the dormitory. 我把笔记本落在宿舍里了。

d. 使……处于(某种状态),后面常接宾语补足语

Leave the door open.

6. leave for+地点,“动身去某地”

He left for the station a few minutes ago.

7. must /have to


have to多表示客观存在的环境所限,即客观要求(无奈)而为之,多译为“不得不干某事”。

I must clean the room because there are too dirty.

I have to do my homework now.

8. It takes sb some money/time to do sth.花费某人多少时间/钱做某事

Sb pay some money for sth 某人为某物花费多少钱

Sb spend some time/money on sth 某人在做某事或某物上花费时间/钱

Sb spend some time/ money (in) doing sth

Sth cost sb some money 某物花费某人多少钱

七年级英语教学设计模板 篇3

Period 1

Step l:Introduction

(1) Do duty report.Ask students to take turns to do duty report (get students to tell a short story)one by one.

(2) Hang the white paper on the blackboard,write the capital letter “A” with a red pen, then ask the students:

T:What’s this in English? Ss:It’s an A.

T:What color is it?

The teacher answers herself:It’s red.

(3) The teacher teaches the other colors with the color pens,repeat these words until students grasp them.

Step 2:Lead—in

Do the same steps of the letters list on l a as the teacher did in the introduction.Make sure students know an these letters and words.

Step 3:Practice

Get students to work in pairs,practice the dialogue appear in the picture of 1a. Allow students use the other things instead of the letters while they are asking the colors.

step 4:Listening

Do 1b,2a,2b and 2c in turn. (Do entering famous school)

Period 2

Step 1:Lead—in

Take turns to do the duty report.

Review the lesson learned by asking the students to say out the twenty—six letters in right orders.Do 2a,2b,2c and 2d with the whole class.

Step 2:Pairwork

Do the guess game.Ask students to work in pairs to practise like the following:

T:Excuse me,what’s this in your bag? S:Is it a pen?

T:Yes,you’re right.What color is it? S:It’s white.

T:No,you’re wrong. S:Is it red?

Step 3:Grammar

Go through the grammar focus and make sure all the students know what means.If possible,the teacher can use Chinese to explain them.

Step 4:Practice

Do the co1or changes game,use two small cups of water,color each cup of water yellow and blue.Ask:What color is it? It’s yellow.

What color is it? It’s blue.

After asking,pour the cup of yellow water into the other cup,when the water turns green. Ask students:What color is it now?

Do the color changes with the other colors.Yellow + red =orange,yellow + red + black =brown, yellow +red +blue +black,etc.

A1so the teacher can let students discuss what color the objects are around us such as the color of the traffic lights,letter—box,bananas and so on…

(Do entering famous school)

Period 3

Step l:Lead—in

Do the duty report in turn.

Practise the dialogue in la of section A

Ask students to finish 1a and 1b of section B individual.the teacher walks around the class,give a hand to the students.

Step 2:Pairwork

First 1et the students check the answers of la by asking like the following:

A:What’s this? B:Is it a “pen”?

A:Yes。it is.Can you spell it? B:Yes.P-E-N,PEN.

A:You are right.

Then the teacher checks the answers of l a with the whole class.

Step 3:Listen and repeat

List out the letter A 0n the blackboard and encourage the students to say out what other words also make the same pronunciation.Present the other letters the same as the letter.

Step 4:Groupwork

Get students pay attention to all the abbreviations appear around us,copy them down, try to find what they mean.Then tell your partners.Encourage students t0 search online or finish this homework in other ways.

Step 5: Classwork (Do entering famous school)

Period 4

Step 1:Go through all the contents list on this part,make sure all the students understand them.If they don’t.you may use Chinese to explain it.

Step 2: Classwork (Do entering famous school)



Aa ____________________________________________________________________

Ee ____________________________________________________________________

Ii _____________________________________________________________________

Oo ___________________________________________________________________

Uu ____________________________________________________________________

Ff ____________________________________________________________________

Rr ____________________________________________________________________


( )1.A.a f B.b p C.d j D.i r

( )2.A.b i B.d r C.g p D.j p

( )3.A.h l B.e u C.h m D.n x

( )4.A.m w B.s r C.c f D.z l

( )5.A.h z B.s v C.v h D.f s


1.White ____________ (反义词) 2. color(n.)_________ (动词)

3.boy ____________ (反义词) 4.Mr ___________(对应词)

5.father __________ (对应词)


( )1.It’s ___________ black.It’s ________ black ruler.

A. /; / B.a;/ C./;a D.a;a

( )2. ---________ is that quilt? —It’s black.

A. Which color B.How color C.What color D.What’s color

( )3.一Who is that girl? 一The ______ in the blue jacket?

一Yes. -- It’s Zhang Lei.

A.one B.an C.a D./

( )4.What’s that _____ English?

A.at B.to C.in D.on

( )5.一What color is her jacket? 一It’s _______.

A.an orange B.orange C.the orange D.a orange



1.What’s this in English? A.The one in blue.

2.Is this a book? B.He’s my father.

3.Who’s that man? C.It’s orange.

4.What color is that orange? D.Yes.it is.

5.How are you? E.It’s a map.

6.Which boy is your brother? F.No, it’s yellow.

7.What is this? G.It’s an orange.

8.Is that jacket black? H.Fine,thank you.


1.What color is that ruler? It's a red.


2.This is her blue color bike.


3.M r. Green is in the China now.


4.Can you spell a pen, please?


5.What’s color is this?



Jane White is an American girl.She is a student.She is fifteen.Her father is Mr.White.Her mother is Mrs.White.Bob is her brother.He is a student.t∞.He is in a black jacket.Jane is in a red jacket.She is a nice girl.

( )1.Jane White is English.

( )2.She is a student.

( )3.Mr. White is her mother.

( )4.Jane is fourteen.

( )5.Jane is Mrs. White’s daughter.

( )6.Bob is Jane’s brother.

( )7. Jane is Bob’s brother.

( )8. Bob is a teacher.

( )9. Jane is in red and Bob is in black.

( )10. Jane is a nice girl.

七年级英语教学设计模板 篇4

Unit one My name is Gina.

1.话 题:

Making new friends










1)词 汇:

clock, hello, hi, and, question, answer, look, first name, last name

2) 语法项目:一般现在时be的用法


形容词性物主代词my, your, his, her

What‘s=What is I‘m=I am My name‘s=My name is

3) 语言目标:

What‘s your name?

My name is Gina.

I‘m Gina. Nice to meet you.

Period one

I.教材分析:这是课本的第一部分,题目是My mane is Gina. 有很多学生第一次学习接触英语,为了调动他们的积极性,不产畏难情绪,尽量简单的处理教材。

Language topic: What‘s your name?

My name is Gina.

Language strategies: Talk about the names

Main vocabulary: name is, meet, his, first name, last name, answer, boy , girl.

II.语言结构: present tense to be, what questions, Possessive adj. my, your, his, her. 。


IV.活动设计: 采访调查 What‘s your first name?

V. Teaching steps:

Step 1:Greetings.

Step 2: Words:

Learn the new words

A: first, listen to the recorder, the students read after the recorder.

B: read the new words after the teacher.

Step 3: 1a Write English words for the things in the picture. How many things do you know?

Step 4: 1b Listen and number the conversations . three times.

Step 5: 2a Listen to the four conversations and number the conversations (1--4)

Step 6: 2b Listen and circle the names you hear. .

Step 7: 3a. read the names. Write the first names and the last names.

Step 8: Let‘s sum what we have learned this class.



Something else:

Step 9: Homework


七年级英语教学设计模板 篇5

一、 教材分析





教学目标Aim 记忆 物品pants , socks , T-shirt , shirt , shorts , sweater , sho

理解 颜色理解:color , black , white , red , green , blue ,

应用 通过布置任务,让学生在合作中进行语言交流。

德育 培养学生的合作精神,以及通过任务完成,学习勤俭节约的品德。

情感 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生获得成就感,增强自信心。


重点Importance Learn to ask about prices . 学习询问物品价格。

难点Difficulty Learn to talk about clothing . 学习谈论衣物,例如颜色、大小等。活动中运用的单词、句型。



七年级英语教学设计模板 篇6



Key words: short, curly, long, tall, straight hair, a medium build, thin, heavy, bald;

brown, blonde;

glasses, hair, beard, mustache.

New language:

What do you look like? I’m short. And I have curly hair.

What do they look like? They’re medium height. And they have short hair.

What does he look like? He’s heavy and he wears glasses.

What does she look like? She’s thin and she has long hair.


Importance: Describing people. Such as tall or short… and who has long hair and short hair…

Difficulties: use the sentences correctly to describe the physical appearance.

III. Teaching Steps:




Step 1 Greetings

Step 2 Ask some students to name some ways of describing people. Start students off with examples such as tall and short. Point out various students in the class and ask students to say if they are tall or short.

Step 3 Some new words about this part

(1a) This activity introduces the key vocabulary. Ask students to read the list of words. Point to the letters next to the people in the picture. Point out the sample answer. At last, check the answers.

(1b) This activity provides guided listening and writing practice the target language.

Play the recording the first time, then , play it again, this time, students fill in the blanks in the speech bubbles.

Correct the answers.

Language points: 1.He’s the tall boy with the curly hair.

(1c)This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Ask the students to ask and answer the questions. Then have students work in pairs. As they talk, move around the room monitoring their work.

Language points:

2.What does your friend look like?你的朋友长得什么样?

look like “看起来像,看起来是……的样子”like 作介词,意为“像….”

eg. What’s he like?

Jack is very like his father.

look like 看起来像 The girl look like her mother.

look 看起来 后加形容词作表语 His sister looks happy.

look the same 看起来很像 The twins look the same.

(2a)This activity provides guided listening practice using the target language.

Point to the list of nice phrases and ask a students to read them to the class. Play the recording twice. And complete the answers. Then correct the answers.

(2b)Ask the students to listen to the descriptions and write the words in the correct column after each person’s name.

(3)Writing practice: Have students do the activity individually. Offer help as necessary.

(Grammar focus) Review the grammar box. Ask students to read the questions and answers. Point out: ①does, goes-----you, they do, go--------he, she.

②I’m, they’re, he’s and she’s -----height

(3a)This activity provides reading practice using the target language. Have a student read the first description. Check the answers.

Language points:

3.She has a medium build, and she has long hair. 她体格中等,留着长发。

①medium ,adj.中间的,中等的,普通的 a man of medium height medium size

②build 多用作动词,但在句中是名词,意为体格。

His uncle is a man of strong build.

They are building a new school.

③hair 常用作集合名词,“头发,毛发”

Mr Green has blond hair.

His mother’s hair is turning gray.


My father has quite a few gray hairs.

4.She’s good-looking but she’s a little bit quiet. 她很漂亮,但是有点不大爱说话。

①a little bit 常用于口语中,“稍微,有些,少许”相当于副词。接近于a little.

It’s a little bit cold today.

I feel a little tired now.

This shirt is a little too large for me.

②quiet 是形容词,“寡言的,稳重的,温顺的”

His daughter is a quiet child.

③good-looking, beautiful, pretty与handsome

good-looking 常用于指容貌美,beautiful 表示接近和谐理想的美; pretty并非表示完美无缺的意思,而是着重表示“可爱,令人怜爱”;handsome 指容貌端正英俊的,形容女性时,作“健美的”。他们常用于一些特定的人或事物。

项目-词汇 beautiful pretty good-looking handsome

women(女性) √ √ √ √

man (男性) × × √ √

child(小孩) √ √ √ ×

bird(鸟) √ √ × ×

flower(花) √ √ × ×

village(村庄) √ √ × ×

picture(画) √ √ × ×

dress(服装) √ √ × ×

voice(声音) √ × × ×

5.Xu Qian loves to tell jokes .俆倩喜欢说笑话。

①love 在本句中为“喜欢, 热爱”常可用于“love+doing/ to do”的结构中。

His brother loves jazz.

Miss Read loves her cat more than anything else.

They all love to dance .

love 作动词还常表示为“爱,疼爱,爱惜”

They both love each other.

②tell jokes 意思为“说笑话”,类似的短语还有 tell a story, tell a lie, tell the truth.

6.She never stops talking.他从来都是喋喋不休的说。

①never 是副词,意思为“决不,永不,从未,一点也不”

never 通常置于一般动词之前,be动词、助动词之后。

I never get up early Sunday morning.

She is never late for school.


They spoke never a word to each other.

never 可依置于命令动词之前。

Never eat too much.

②stop doing / stop to do

stop 后接动名词,表示停下动名词所指的动作; stop 后接不定式,表示停下其他事情,去做不定时所指的动作。

He stopped drinking water. 他停下(不再)喝水。

He stopped to drink water. 他停下(停下手)来喝水。

7.He likes reading and playing chess. 他喜欢读书下棋。

①read 多指看文字性的东西,“看”实际上就是“读”,作及物动词和不及物动词都可以。

Children usually like reading picture-books.

Don’t read in the sun.

②look 为不及物动词,后面接宾语时,需用介词at,表示看的过程,强调有意识的动作,多用来唤起别人的注意。

Look! Who’s the man under the tree?

③see 能用作及物动词后接宾语,也可用作不及物动词,着重于看的结果,“看到,看见”


Can you see the kite in the tree?

固定搭配:see a doctor see a film

④watch 为及物动词,用来指非常仔细的、有目的或特意的动作,表示“注视、观看、监视”。

My parents often watch me do my homework..

The teacher often watch them playing games.

注意:看电视,看比赛 习惯上多用watch表示,即:watch TV, watch a game.

⑤play chess 意思为下棋,play常可作“比赛,竞赛”等,但要注意,play 与比赛、游戏用在一起时,比赛游戏前不加冠词。

Let’s play football after school.

Look! They are playing cards under the tree.

(3b)Practice the target language.

Have two students read out the example dialogue in the speech bubbles. And then have several pairs present their dialogues to the class.

(4)Ask some students to describe a person while their classmates guess who it is.

Step 4 Do some exercises to practice.

Step 5 Blackboard design

Step 6.Homework.

① Read all the words and remember the key words and can use freely.

②Say some sentences about one person’s appearance.

课后小结【928d.Com 策划书范文网】







◆ 掌握部分有关电视节目以及表示装饰的词汇,如:soap opera, sitcom, sports show, host, super, agree, hair clip, key ring, belt, wallet etc.

◆ What do you think of…? 句式在不同人称中的使用及其几种不同的答语方式,并能简单陈述理由。

◆ 掌握运用love, like, don’t like, don’t mind, can’t stand恰当表达对有关事物的观点和态度。


◆ 学会陈述自己的看法和意见。

◆ 学会谈论自己的喜好。

◆ 谈谈流行文化,了解各类电影和电视节目的名称。

◆ 了解一些日常生活用品,描述对其喜好程度。




◆ 学会客观地评价事物。

◆ 正确表达自己的意见。

◆ 正确认识流行文化。

◆ 了解中西文化在表达自己的观点时存在很大差异——我们比较委婉,而西方人则更直接一些。





正确运用What do you/does he/she think of…?及I love/like/don’t like/don’t mind/can’t stand ... He/She loves/likes/doesn’t like/doesn’t mind/can’t stand ...等句型结构来表达对客观事物的评价。




Step1 Warming up : Chant

What do you think of talk shows?

I don’t mind them.

What about game shows?

I love them.

Do you like sitcoms?

Yes, I do.

Step 2 Revision: Dialogue show time

注:1. Dialogue show后要鼓励学生给予comments。可以引导学生在以下几方面评价:

What do you think of their dialogue?

Body language




1,2,3,4 Mary is at the kitchen door.

5,6,7,8 Mary is at the garden.

Step 3 Presentation

1. Listen and do 2a, 2b.

借助Dialogue show 及过渡句“Have you seen the sitcom Dumpling King引出听力

2. 做完2a,2b后,问:

What does he think of Dumpling King?

What does he think of Er Bao

Xiao Bao ?



Step 4 Information exchange

Student A looks at one paper, student B looks at the other paper.(Don’t look at his/her partner’s paper)

运用句型结构:What does Alan/Yang Lin think of these TV shows?交流信息。

Step 5 Task(1):

Weekend Talk show

学生三人一组,分别扮演角色 host/hostress和guests,电视访谈节目的演示,谈论对不同TV shows的看法,但老师先要给予Talk show的model。

A: Welcome to 9 o’clock weekend Talk show.

We’re talking to….Welcome to the show…

B: Thank you.

A: Do you like to watch TV?


A: What do you think of sports shows?


A: How about…?


A: OK! Thanks for joining us. Next, we’re talking to…

Step 6 Task (2):Survey time

列举常见TV Shows的名称,调查并统计班内同学对各种节目的观点。四人小组以统计图表的形式(学生可以creative一些,设计各种统计图表)呈现结果,再给TV station写一封调查报告,并提些建议。

统计时,增加句型:I do, too.

I don’t, either.

Step7 Homework

1. Finish your diagram and stick on the board.

2. Finish writing the letter to the TV station.






Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?



1.语音:1)复习音标及字母组合[u:] u, oo; [u] u, oo, oul; 2)学习音标及字母组合[(+] ure, ua

2.语法:1)小结本单元所学to be going to+动词原形的用法;2)小结本单元出现的形容词比较等级的规则变化和不规则变化。






2.教师出示音标卡片,复习[u:] [u]两个元音的读音,启发学生分别给出含有这两个元音的单词。教师可将这些单词书写在黑板上,并用彩色粉笔写出读这些音的字母或字母组合。









1)一般在词尾加-er或-est,分别构成比较级和级。例如: small----smaller----smallest。



4)以辅音字母+y结尾的双音节形容词。改y为i,再加-er或-est。例如: easy----easier----easiest。

此外,少数形容词还有不规则变化,需要认真记忆。例如:good----better----best; many----more----most等。

七年级英语教学设计模板 篇7



本课为听说教学课,教材内容围绕着询问职业展开,内容比较贴近日常生活,是学生比较关心的话题,易于激发学生的学习兴趣。仁爱版七年级上册的Unit3 Topic2 Section A 在本单元中起着总领下文的关键作用。本课通过谈论父母的职业,让学生从学会谈论各种职业中,掌握句型What does he/she/your…do?从而学会关心他人,同时使学生能够利用简单的英语询问职业,为下节课谈论工作的地点做铺垫。通过本课教学,进一步培养学生运用英语的能力,使学生体会到学习英语的快乐。








3. 教学重难点






已掌握常用的职业词汇,如teacher, student等;
